Can I Make Bread?

Many people I talk to express an interest in making their own bread. Some may have tried it with little or no success. Others may find it too intimidating to even try.

I still feel like a pretender … a novice who has learned a thing or two, but with a long way to go to being a baker of any standing.… Continue reading

An Ode to Autumn!

It arrived at the party early, when, it seemed, there was still still so much to do. Autumn settled into the chaise longue out on the prow and regaled us with fog and rain and even a few mild windstorms while it was still summer. And we were still out gathering fruit and thinking of jams and pies, and we started to consider soups and stews instead.… Continue reading

The Wheat Field … “Raising Its Radiance to the Moon”

“Wheat Field With Crows” by Vincent Van Gogh

In the Fall of 1975, I was one of a handful of people sitting in a classroom in the Buchanan Building at the University of British Columbia. It was the noon hour. A few people ate sandwiches, some conversed in hushed tones.

W.S. Merwin

I don’t remember any introduction.… Continue reading

Mildrith’s Heat Takes it’s Toll

Mildrith springs to life with a breath of air, after I open the oven door plug. A spark, a blue flame, and orange one, then poof! she’s roaring!

A few weeks back, I posted this video on Instagram. It shows Mildrith’s magical ability of springing to life in the morning when it’s time to bake bread.… Continue reading

Summer pours forth its bounty and beauty

Summer pours forth its bounty in these waning days of the season. For weeks, we’ve been feasting on Silver Rill corn, tomatoes, beans, blackberries, blueberries and zucchinis. Much of them came from friends and neighbours who’ve toiled in their gardens all summer and are now reaping of the overflow. Today, a friend in the Spalding Valley had us come by and pick a quarter row of this amazing basil!… Continue reading